obviously you don't know warships.


送交者: steven 于 2006-07-18, 22:22:16:

回答: 军舰主体是钢铁,不燃烧。打破了水进去了就沉了。所以常有打捞击沉的战舰的故事。 由 过网烟云 于 2006-7-17, 22:58:28:

Most of the big ships, including carriers, battleships and destroyers, are very hard to sink without secondary explosion. Many times, even after being hit by torpedoes, the big warships still manages to maneuver. There are many chambers in a ship, when closed, they stop water going in further. That is why even after a heavy blow, USS Cole suffered from a 12m by 12m big hole, the ship was still capable to maneuver. Because no second attack, just one blow is hardly deadly. Secondary explosion usually causes the crews of the ship unable to response to the damage, and multiple hits like that usually sink a ship. Like Yamato, it took 8 bombs and 10 tropedoes before it sunk.



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