Why are Jews so great with money? From Yahoo Answers.
(This is not a racist question at all. Don't jump on the anti-semitic bandwagon people, wake up!)
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
It might be a result of genetic selection. During the middle ages the Catholic church discouraged money lending by Christians. That provided an opportunity for the Jewish community, which they took advantage of. They became lenders to anyone and everyone that needed money. Obviously, those that were good at it thrived and passed on their genes to their ancestors.
Whereas Christians on the other hand thrived on war and at persecuting Jews and passed on their genes. Somewhere along the line natural selection among the Christians resulted in Hitler.
Whereas natural selection among the Jews resulted in Rothschild.
***The Mayer Amschel Rothschild family (often referred to simply as The Rothschilds), is an eminent international banking and finance dynasty of German Jewish origin that established operations across Europe, and was ennobled by the Austrian and British governments.
Comment: it is an interesting thought. Anyone here who has come across an article in NY Times on something about the genes, money and Jews? That was long time ago and i could not find it anymore.