送交者: Erxin 于 2006-2-08, 13:08:28:
回答: since its history of Peking Uni, it is reasonable to keep the name 由 AI 于 2006-2-08, 10:57:14:
Keeping the old style spelling Peking for Beijing and Tsinghua for Qinghua reflects nothing but the twisted attitude and to some extend a challenge towards the regulations legislated by the state. Resisting to adapt the new, standard spelling is no difference than telling the world: No, that's the name my French/English great grandfather gave to us and we just want to keep it!
This is one of the worst attitudes that we people have, deeply rooted in our culture, that the majority of us are not willing to comply with regulations in our daily life. Young workers in factories do not follow the regulation when they do their work. Drivers and pedestrians ignore the traffic lights in big cities and small towns. Manufacturers do not follow the Advertisment Act, often labelling products with (traditional Chinese) characters that have been banned to use for more than 20 years. People still see hand written, calligraphic signs for airports and train stations, and some of them are even hard to recoganize without knowning where you are.
It is rather sad to see these, criticised by many scholars several decades, even over hundred years ago, still exist in out society!