在美国Census Bureau 最新的报告《Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2005》中,第25页Children’s Health Insurance Coverage一段中提到:
“Children in poverty were more likely to be uninsured
than the population of all children in 2005—19.0 percent compared with 11.2 percent (Figure 8).”
”With an uninsured rate at 19.0 percent in
2005, children in poverty were more likely to be uninsured than all children (Figure 8).“
另外,收入与医保覆盖率的问题在第24页Economic Status一段中写道:
”The likelihood of being covered by health insurance rises with income. In 2005, in households with annual
incomes of less than $25,000, 75.6 percent of people had health insurance. Health insurance coverage rates increased with higher household income levels to 91.5 percent for those in households with incomes of $75,000 or more (Table 8)“