Rare, fault negative? repeat test in different hospital even "post-vac test


送交者: blackbox 于 2006-10-31, 08:20:59:

回答: 这里医学牛人多,诚心请教个儿童免疫问题 由 大头 于 2006-10-31, 07:27:20:

is not necessary" (by CDC)

CDC Fact Sheet

Post-vaccination Testing

After routine vaccination of infants, children, adolescents, or adults post-vaccination testing for adequate antibody response is not necessary.

Post-vaccination testing IS recommended for persons whose medical management will depend on knowledge of their immune status.

This includes persons who:
*are immunocompromised (e.g., hemodialysis patients) *received the vaccine in the buttock
*are infants born to HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen)-positive mothers
*are healthcare workers who have contact with blood
*are sex partners of persons with chronic hepatitis B virus infection
*Post-vaccination testing should be completed 1-2 months after the third vaccine dose for results to be meaningful.
*A protective antibody response is 10 or more milliinternational units (>=10mIU/mL).




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