送交者: skipper3 于 2006-3-02, 13:38:23:
回答: 我可以负责的告诉你,陈进院长很快乐地活着,不动半分毫毛 :)) 由 炎阳 于 2006-3-02, 12:30:46:
Don't get excited too early. And try to understand a misconduct by academic standard does not necessarily mean a business initiative is not viable.
It's not unusual for startup companies to do things that they don't want to talk about years later everywhere in the world. Even much bigger companies are not totally clean of this kind of things. I know a big telco, a FORTUNE 500 company, once substituted a malfunctioing DSL connection with a T1 line for "live" demonstration on a trade show. This doesn't prevent them from delivering DSL service to its customers. As for Chen, there is no compelling evidence proving he has capitalized on so-called "70倍". His role is much less a scientist in this context. Whether he is an expert in respective area doesn't have much relevence to what he is doing now: a senior manager of a small company. If he can build a team that is capable to eventually deliver what they have promised, no one should be entitled to question his credential. So why don't you sit back and watch?