median vs mean


送交者: tool2004 于 2006-3-16, 13:14:47:

回答: If you want to make a point, you at least be serious 由 skipper3 于 2006-3-16, 12:27:35:

I guess I did not make it clearer in my hurry up post.
1. Why low income students are under represented?
As 匆匆过客 points out, it is mainly due to financial issue. If a poor talented students can get offer from Standford, he/she will most likely also get offer from other schools, especially good public schools, ie. Berkeley, Michigan, UIUC, UCSD, UCLA, to name a few, which will entice them with scholarships, tuition reductions, free room and board, etc. Appearently, you do not have kids applying for schools in the US. How about this, how many PKU, THU students choose US offer by scholarship? My friend got offer from MIT with less much, and a much lesser school with full scholarship, guess where he went? not MIT. You may critize his stupidcity, but ask around and see how many chinese students have made that decision? For poor people, money is the top selection critior.

2. Median income in China is really low. Precisely because the blood sucking rich people redsitrube the money, resources, tax from the poor peasants around the country. If you serious, you should know Average and Median are two different thing. The low income student may not be under represented in PKU or THU, not because of the goverment helped them, but on the countrary, the goverment restricted their choice such that they have to study very hard to get into those schools and have a better future (get on the train). Once they do have a better future (become a Beijinger or Shanghaier), they will start to screeming they made huge contributions to the country and Beijing or Shanghai and start making policies to limit poor people's chance. Didn't you see the iony here?

3. To be honest, I do not argue that people in rich inductry region contributed more to the country, but they also gain more than their share. The poor people get undertreatment and did nto get their share. Please do not use US as a reference. It only add insult to injury.

Sigh, Yang8228 is absolutely right that we need more Bill Gates, less noble prize.



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