i totally agree


送交者: kma 于 2012-07-30, 11:41:34:

回答: 四年前俺建议过,没人听。再次含泪劝告IOC:费尔泼赖-不要再禁止磕药了 由 耳听为虚 于 2012-07-30, 11:28:37:

just warn all athletes, do it at your own risk.

and warn all fans, your idol might have used performance enhancing drugs.

some PEDs might be only slightly harmful, wang junxia is having a normal life after retiring, marriage, motherhood, divorce, remarrying, so far so good.

some more damaging and the dopers will pay ultimate price, say griffith-joyner.

the point is let them decide and make own choices



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