Very good choice of video / movie by Korean Air


送交者: silxirt 于 2012-08-13, 17:26:24:

0. Enjoying freedom in Beijing, using company VPN to gain access, would someone suggest a xys mirror site that does not need this kind of extra effort?

1. Did not sleep during the fight largely because of the videos, the Hollywood Hit and New Release have new movies that are currently only in theater, including Hunger Game, Battleship.
2. Like the documentary section the most, very good choice of varieties and qualities, I enjoyed very much a 3D story of firefly, a very first 3D video documentary of whole life and eco-environment of a Korean firefly, use natural light to achieve undisturbed presentation of the insect(light is used by the insect for communication at night)
3. Also: size up universe: from galaxies to atom, dino-turkey: how the modern day bird "came from" dinosaur....
4. Among them there is one I never paid attention or heard of: An ancient invention of set of gears that demonstrates all pre-modern day knowledge of the universe, limited to solar system in actuality, it is a machine calendar that not only tells the past but the future calendar events in solar system, including predicting solar or lunar eclipse to the accuracy of hours, not to mention the movements of all planets relative to sun and earth. Amazing knowledge of the solar system, even more amazing to represent it in machinery! It is believed to be the work of Archimedes,
and later perfected by Arabic scientists.

Compare to the knowledge of the universe, the work of art, ancient Chinese science and tech is only the toy of dwarf, to the best.

All or most done by national geographic, all in pure London accent. You'd love to watch it.



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