if passenger has motion-sickness


送交者: kma 于 2012-10-21, 12:12:47:

回答: 新到资料里面说"少开冷气:压缩机的工作需要每百公里1.5~2.0L汽油"是不是夸张了一些 由 jhuang 于 2012-10-21, 11:01:58:

better roll down the windows a bit

my father is an example, he can't sit in a car in china, where drivers always keep all windows shut. when visiting me, i never like to have window closed, i prefer outside air (rainy days is hard for me, yet i still try to keep it open once a while), he never had any sickness.

btw, is rainy(not too hard of course) day driving really saving fuel?



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