Carbon emission in China almost doubles the US in 2011.


送交者: steven 于 2012-12-04, 21:54:54:

回答: 本来没想到扯到碳排放的问题,不过Steven说了 由 Kurt 于 2012-12-04, 20:44:53:

In 2009, China's co2 emission is 7.4 BT, 2010, 8.4 BT, 2011, 9.7 BT; the US remains in 5.4 range and is cutting down. Considering China emits 1/3 of world co2, and only 1/10 GDP, that is gonna be a big problem, at the current rate within 5 years China will over take the US even in per capita, it is definitely a grief concern.



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