it is called Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act passed in 1999.
送交者: steven 于 2012-12-17, 01:39:51:
回答: 哪三个?哪年?还是如这篇报道? 谷歌下 Clinton Deregulation 都很清楚 由 bluesea 于 2012-12-17, 00:56:49:
Sen. Phil Gramm (R, Texas), Rep. Jim Leach (R, Iowa), and Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R, Virginia), are the co-sponsors of the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. Some like Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, and Joseph Stiglitz both attributed this act directly responsible for the crisis, and Pual Krugman even call Gramm the father of financial crisis.