小资料:肖钢,男,国家“千人计划”引进人才,国际知名的化石能源转化和氢能利用方面的科学家。 1984年毕业于东北大学,1987年远赴丹麦,师从丹麦化学世家传人尼尔斯教授。其间20年,做过大学教授,近年取得“英国皇家化学会院士”头衔;曾为 国际知名的大型能源企业效力。于2009年归国,现为中海油首席能源科学家。
今天下午,接待了某国企大公司的首席科学家。据介绍,该公有着辉煌的留学经历,拥有欧洲某国家的国籍。接过此公递过来的名片,上面赫然印着“英国皇家化学会院士”,着实把我吓了一跳。因为本人在英国也呆过一段时间,从来没有听说过英国有“化学会”这样一个组织。翻过英文面,原来所谓的“英国皇家化学会院士”就是“Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K.”,当时我便目瞪口呆。
会后,一时无聊,到RSC网站上看了一下,原来RSC的会员有两种基本形式【第三种即荣誉会员(HonFRSC)仅授予有重要学术成就的学者,每年只有3-5人。我国著名学者白纯礼院士就曾获得过此殊荣】(如果将初级会员AMRSC包括在内的话,是4种,在校研究生可以申请初级会员)。一种是Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry,即英国皇家化学学会会员(MRSC),主要为研究生身份者(一般应具有研究生学位才能申请);另一种,即此公拥有的FRSC,拥有5年以上MRSC者理论上均可以得到。且不说FRSC含金量的高低(RSC有46000会员),仅此公名片上给出的Royal Society of Chemistry 和fellow的中文翻译就很有学问,非常考究:正确的翻译显然应该是“英国皇家化学学会高级会员”。将“化学学会”翻译成“化学会”,把fellow翻译成院士!高,高,实在是高!正所谓:人人忽悠,忽悠人人;外国人忽悠中国人,外籍华人忽悠中国人;中国人忽悠谁去呀?
Designatory Letters
RSC members - chemical scientists of the highest standard
The RSC awards the following designatory letters to appropriately qualified applicants:
AMRSC (Associate Member Royal Society of Chemistry) The entry level for RSC membership, AMRSC is awarded to graduates (or equivalent) in the chemical sciences. Note that undergraduates may become affiliate members while studying the chemical sciences but no designatory letters are awarded at this stage.
MRSC (Member Royal Society of Chemistry) Awarded to graduates (or equivalent) with at least 3 years experience, who have acquired key skills through professional activity.
FRSC (Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry) Fellowship may be awarded to those applicants at MRSC level with at least 5 years experience who have made an outstanding contribution to either:
the advancement or application of chemical science
the chemical science profession or
the management or direction of an organisation in which Chemical Science is important.
In all cases references are required and the award of designatory letters is subject to the approval of the Applications Committee. As the professional body for chemical scientists, the RSC maintains high standards of competence and professional practice. RSC members are required to accept and adhere to a code of conduct as well as meeting high standards of ethical and professional behaviour. The RSC establishes, upholds and advances standards of chemical science by continually assessing various professional qualifications and awards。