Meimei Fox's agenda


送交者: 羽矢 于 2013-02-05, 21:02:08:

MeiMei Fox shared a link.
Yesterday near Los Angeles, CA
"Haters are everywhere. Impossible to ignore. Rather than starving them, savvy people now brag about their trolls, and even use the haterade to their advantage." Great article on dealing with Haters via my sister-in-law (and China scholar) Erica Fox Brindley, who has personally been attacked in over 260 Amazon "reviews" for defending "Bend, Not Break."

It's a wild ride speaking authentically and exposing your vulnerability, as Ping Fu has so courageously done in our book. People feel threatened. All we can do is say, clearly this book is making an impact! #24 on NY Times Best Seller list for non-fiction hardcover this week, too.

MeiMei Fox shared a link.
Saturday near Los Angeles, CA
In the past week, my wonderful coauthor of "Bend, Not Break," Ping, has come under attack from a smear campaign. Spearheaded by an influential Mainland Chinese blogger who harped on a few small details in the press about the book, which have since been corrected, literally thousands of slams have been posted to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, on all the positive news articles about the book, her Wikiepedia page, and elsewhere on the web. Most of these commentators clearly have not even read the book. Many simply copy and paste text from other users.

All we can do is counteract with our own positive groundswelling of support. We hope to be getting major newspaper coverage of the smear campaign in the coming week. In the meantime....

Attached is Ping's emotional response to the attacks. She also published a blog responding to the factual criticisms:

If you loved the book and want to help, here are some actions you might take:
1) Like the Ping Fu Facebook Fan Page and post a supportive comment.
2) Post a positive review on Amazon, where we are battling hundreds of 1-star reviews calling the book a lie:
THANK YOU!! Erica Fox Brindley Derek Brindley Fox Kiran Ramchandran Lotta Alsen Emily Pereira Monroe Christie Rodrigue Jaimal Yogis Vanda Marlow Jen Kramer Tate
3) TWEET, POST to FACEBOOK, LINKEDIN, GOOGLE+, and Post a supportive comment on either or both of Ping's HuffPost blogs listed above and linked here.

I am a huge fan of Ping after having worked by her side for over a year. During that time, she consistently proved herself to be an embodiment of all the values she espouses in the book: compassion, generosity, humility, optimism, courage, and strength. She is my hero. I only hope that others will believe in the authenticity and vulnerability of her story.



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