she isn't a member of Obama's inner circle.


送交者: steven 于 2013-02-08, 10:22:02:

回答: 可不可以去找共和党的人, 去质疑O8马的团队? 由 html 于 2013-02-08, 06:53:48:

There isn't a whole lot of news values about her. The Republicans won't spend much time on her since Obama has already won the election. It is pretty much like the book I am a Soldier too, which is about Jessica Lynch, it contains raping of Jessica Lynch by her captor. Even she said she didn't remember any of it, but that didn't catch much of attention. Let the Ping Fu story settle, some reporters may dig into this, however, if she doesn't spend too much time promoting that book, no one is gonna do anything.



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