i keep saying he should focus more on science enlightenment


送交者: kma 于 2012-03-30, 12:54:50:

回答: 老方心灰意冷了 由 teacup 于 2012-03-30, 12:16:55:

instead of exposing more ugliness (unless it's people like xiao).

so many chinese need good advice so to get better, say, have a healthier lifestyle, reasonable and independent thinking.

this year's attention to HH was not a smart choice, too few rewards and too many risks.

china has too many problems, and people like fang are too few. he can't fix everything, msut choose priorities. he's too precious to waste time on cheaters like han and luo.

if oneday really he has to leave china, it will be a loss for china, more than any1 i can think of.



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