han supporters is like creationism ones or religious people


送交者: kma 于 2012-05-18, 12:20:59:

陆亦琦新浪个人认证 :其实你与麦田最早的几篇分析,有逻辑思维的人早已得出结论;没有的思维的,再说多少也不会改变什么。至此,方舟子仍是原来的方舟子;而韩寒早已不再是原来的韩寒。但若您再一味无休止地在一些无聊小事上喋喋不休,那恐怕搞到最后,方舟子也将不再是原来的方舟子啦!就此打住吧,继续打其它的假吧! (2分钟前)

i think basically the same. once read a popular science periodical interview with a evolution biologist, what more science can do to get more people believe in evolution? the scientist answered "almost nothing". science has done more than enough to fully establish darwin's theory. those who still don't believe? basically nothing can change them. either special interest group or brainwashed (by parents or in school). that's why the two sides are focusing fights over teaching evolution or creationism in school. adults change much harder.



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