"5 sigma" certainty


送交者: cornbug 于 2012-07-02, 00:39:21:

回答: 喜欢谈性的可以读这个 由 短江学者 于 2012-07-02, 00:21:32:

In London, a concert hall across from the Houses of Parliament has been booked for a similar, but daytime, event. Japanese, Russian and Chinese scientists will be watching too.
At the U.S. Fermilab near Chicago, where scientists spent three decades looking for the Higgs in their Tevatron collider which was shut down last December as Washington cut off funds, another seminar has been set for Monday.
That gathering, according to the centre's daily bulletin, will hear the final "Higgs results" from the Tevatron, a much less powerful machine than the mighty LHC.
But just what will be announced at CERN — and Fermilab — remains far from clear.
To claim a discovery, scientists have to have a "5 sigma" certainty — or be sure that there is less than a one in a million chance it is a fluke.
The Higgs, both field and boson, could come in various forms, specialists say, and although one type may have been seen it may yet take time to determine exactly which one it is.

-- Scientists may announce discovery of Higgs Boson, the 'God particle,' this week

On July 4th



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