It is not about political system vs morality.


送交者: steven 于 2012-07-08, 13:57:43:

回答: 第一,民主是体制,不是道德, 由 ak7O 于 2012-07-08, 10:21:04:

Morality is a collection of consensus of the people, and yet, this collection is not a "logical thesis." The morality contains things that contradicting each others, and full of arbitrary. Majority opinions changes, and is not always predictable. Governing simply by the majority hence is unpredictable, and that is what you called 人治. Protecting the rights of individuals like the typical western nations, is simply a consensus of the majorities, and that is enforced through the judicial system to counter balance the public opinions. As the judicial system is more status quo ante as comparing the ever changing public opinion, and the two provide the stability and flexibility.

It is a spectrum, from the chaotic Taliban ruling, to Chinese 人治, and to the western rule of law. Taliban ruling is at the end of least stable, and predictable, and the Western system is the most stable, and Chinese is somewhere in between.



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