i am a bit concerned


送交者: kma 于 2012-07-09, 16:29:36:

回答: 古人说象由心生,俺上几张养眼的MM。赛吃奶上的照片就是不想让人吃午饭嘛 由 trus 于 2012-07-09, 10:50:16:

for their privacy and safety.

i know post 80 and 90 s are really open and brave, my niece gives out all her personal info and shares daily life online.

but it's one thing sharing with friends on facebook or similar social sites, it's totally different if one jumps into the deep water of taking fang's sides in chian,and openly.

we already know what kind of guys fang's foes are, they have little decency or bottom line.

i wish those girls could be more careful in rela life.



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