送交者: mangolasi 于 2005-5-02, 16:29:36:
回答: 拉2,还是巴西厉害。巴西reject US financial aid on HIV 由 xj 于 2005-5-02, 15:52:38:
Highlight about the moral ground of America (no, America is not responisble for this gobal ailment, but neither has it right of lecturing about morality):
"hroughout the 1990s, US funding for HIV prevention in developing countries averaged some $70 million per year, about the same as the US military allocated for Viagra when this medication first became available."
"n 1994, Western governments concerned about protecting intellectual property pushed for an agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) linked to membership in the World Trade Organization. TRIPS aims to extend patent protection to all WTO members, so that someone who produces a new CD or computer program, or invents a new pharmaceutical drug, will have the rights to that invention protected not only in the country in which it was first developed, but also in every country that joins the WTO. TRIPS was partly a response to the accelerated globalization of information which has made it easy for music and video pirates in China and generic drug makers in India, Thailand, and Brazil to copy Western inventions and products. Not all countries have signed on to TRIPS, but most have or will do so within the next decade."