lots of driving


送交者: xh 于 2005-5-04, 16:11:18:

回答: What about late June? The plan is June 18 - 25 由 jxh 于 2005-5-04, 14:23:26:

Bay area - Salt Lake City: one whole day at least
Salt Lake City - Arches: 4 hours
If you get on high way 24 after Arches, you can drive through Capitial Reef. No much else to do there unless you want more driving, off road.
Then go to Zion. Bryce is close to Zion. If you found nothing else to do at Zion, you can go to Bryce. Without hiking, Bryce will only take you couple hours.
How to get back to Bay area is up to you. Zion back to Salt Lake City takes about 4 hours also.
If you camp, try reserve sites in advance.
It will be hot at Arches, but not Zion, might be a bit cool at Bryce, hopefully the snow is gone there by June.
Lots of driving, I would not do it myself. How about flying into SLC and rent a car, that will save you at least two days on the road.



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