送交者: iamacat 于 2005-5-03, 16:32:25:
这篇英文论文题目为“Reservations to Multilateral Treaties on Human Rights”(“[论]多边人权条约的保留”),署名为Massimo Coccia (姑且音译为“柯查”),发表与“西加州大学国际法杂志”(California Western International Law Journal)1985年(总第15期)第1号(Volume 15, Winter 1985, Number 1),第1-52页。
“II. Reservations and Human Rights Treaties
B. Factors Inducing States to Make Reservations
Notwithstanding some scholarly attempts to promote the prohibition of reservations to human rights treaties, State practice demonstrates that whenever a treaty has allowed reservations States have made much use of this possibility. States are often motivated to resort to reservations as a result of many factors other than a mere unwillingness to respect human rights. In a sphere so sensitive to State sovereignty there are several legal, political and practical factors which may induce a State to make one or more reservations while ratifying, or acceding to, a multilateral teraty on human rights.”(California Western International Law Journal, Volume 15, Winter 1985, Number 1, pp. 18-19)
“Only two of the numerous treaties on human rights expressly provide that reservations are forbidden. These are: (1) Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery,...and (2) Convention Against Discrimination in Education...”(同上, pp. 18-19, footnote 95)
“One common factor is the presence, in the domestic law of the State concerned, of a constitutional or statutory provision which is somewhat inconsistent with the treaty at stake. For example, in regard to the Convention on the Political Rights of Women, nunerous States have made reservations to the provision which confers upon women the right to hold public office, since there may be a conflict with domestic laws on military recruitment. ”(同上,p. 19)
“Another frequent concern of States in ratifying human rights conventions is the difficulty of maintaining the constitutional balance between the jurisdictions of central and local authorities. This is an especially important concern in States which have a federal system of government.”(p. 19)
(并且注意,万文在这里,把柯文原文中的the Netherlands(荷兰),误译为“新西兰”)
“A related factor is the existence in some States of territories with special legal status where reservations of a 'geographical' nature are required.”(p. 19)
“E.g., the reservations to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights made by the United Kingdom concerning Hong Kong and by the Netherlands concerning the Antilles.”(p. 19, footnote 100)
“Additionally, some treaties are inconsistent with eath other in some aspects while overlapping in others. This is the case, for example, with the European Convention on Human Rights and the two UN International Covenants, where several reservations were made by some European States for this very reason.”(pp. 19-20)
“Sometimes the relevant factor is the unwillingness of national parliaments to go through the laborious and time-consuming process of enacting new legislation to comply with all of the treaty provisions. This can occur due to the existence of more urgent domestic intrests, time pressures and other such factors. In a situation such as this a State may nevertheless ratify the treaty in order to show its general concern for human rights.”(p. 20)
“A similar considertation is the objective impossibility of many less developed countries to readily comply with certain provisions concerning 'second generation' human rights. This usually brings about one or more reservations postponing such provisions, or making their application more gradual.” (p. 20)
“See, e.g., the reservation by Madagascar to Article 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights...” (p. 20, footnote 104)
“Another factor which has possibly played at least a diminishing role in the use of reservations upon ratification of human rights treaties is the lack of expertise in the governments of less developed countries, especially those which have recently gained their independence.”(p. 20)
“Other problems are created by dispute settlement clauses. These clauses confer jurisdiction upon the International Court of Justice or other judicial bodies, and as a matter of principle are not accepted by many States for any type of treaty whatsoever.”(pp. 20-21)
“Another factor common to several States is their unwillingness to deal in any way with certain other States for political or ideological reasons. In this type of case a reservation is one way to prevent the entry into force of a treaty with regard to a particular State. By adopting the reservation the State avoids political problems such as those which might be caused by the 'recognition' of other States.”(p. 21)
“The obvious example is the standard reservation made by most of the Arab States to dodge any treaty relationship with Israel. ...”(p. 21, footnote 108)
“Finally, a very important factor in this area is that States often fear the unforeseeable consequences of a general ratification. This is due to the element of uncertainty present in every treaty. This uncertainty is sometimes aggravated by the vagueness of certain provisions and the 'dynamic force' inherent in human rights treaties. The simplest manner of avoiding unknown consequences which may affect a States's interest is by the adoption of a reservation. ” (p. 21)
以上基本上是万文第二节的全文。这节基本上是全文照抄翻译Massimo Coccia文章第二节B分节,是很清楚的。万文照抄Massimo Coccia文章的地方还有。比如说:
万文第三节和Massimo Coccia文章第二节C分节的对应:
“II. Reservations and Human Rights Treaties
C. The Scope of the Compatibility Rule
Reservations, as demonstrated above, are not evidence per se of a will not to comply with human rights principles. More, ratification by a large number of States is an important goal, at least at this stage in the development of the international protection of human rights. As the International Court of Justice observed regarding the Convention on Genocide, '...'”(p. 22)
“Among the possible approaches to the problem of the international protection of human rights, the treaty approach has proven to be the most effective. ...A distinctive feature of the treaty approach is the ability of any contracting State to make reservations at the moment of ratification of or accession to an international agreement. ”(p. 2)
至於万文在其他地方是否照抄了Massimo Coccia的文章,本人没有兴趣再去仔细核对。这两本杂志:“武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)”和California Western International Law Journal,比较大一点的大学法学院/法律系的图书资料室里面应该都有。谁有兴趣谁就去看罢。