在巴塞尔的网友雷奥615去MDPI总部门口照了照片,发现那家面包店已转手改卖土耳其食品,而MDPI总部挂着MDPI的大牌子。我把该照片转给科罗拉多大学图书馆员Jeffrey Beall,告诉他至少应该把那张由亦明(葛莘)提供的错误的“MDPI总部”照片取下。他不仅不干,还回函嘲笑说“楼房极其重要,有好楼房就自动意味着好出版社”。我告诉他我只是指出他用的照片是错的,楼房重不重要是另一回事,我不明白他为什么不愿意改正一个明显的事实错误,却把事实和观点混为一谈。然后他问我是否为了这项额外的工作赚了额外的钱。我说没人给我钱来干这事,他是不是无法理解有人愿意免费来寻求事实真相?我还以为他是个体面人,却因为不愿意改正一个简单的错误来侮辱我的品行。然后他就拿着亦明提供的材料要来跟我讨论我的生物化学论文插图问题了……下面是我与他的email往来。
Dear Mr. Beall,
I am regret that you are misled by Mr. Xin Ge, who has attacked me and tried to discredit any supporters of mine by deliberate fabrications, for almost ten years after I had exposed his frauds. You didn't do your own investigation and just bought everything Mr. Ge provided. I only need to give one example. You posted a bakery store photo, apparently provided by Mr. Xin Ge, and said it’s the MDPI’s Basel headquarter. It's not. MDPI's Basel headquarter is at next door. See the attached files.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Dear Mr. Fang,
Okay, thank you for this information.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Beall
I think you should at least remove or change the incorrect photo. I got one new photo that clearly shows which building is MDPI office.
Best wishes,
Shi-min Fang
Yes, the building is extremely important. If the publisher is based in a nice building then automatically it's a high quality publisher.
Dear Mr. Beall,
I just pointed out that you published an incorrect photo provided by Mr. Xin Ge, implying MDPI office is a bakery store. Whether the building is important or not is another issue. I don't understand why you refuse to correct an obvious factual error, but confuse a fact with an issue.
I have managed a Web site for 14 years, exposed about 100 cases of scientific misconduct every year. But if anyone points out any factual error to me, I would be happy to correct it and make an apology.
Shi-min Fang
No, nobody pays me to do anything. You can never understand there are some people seeking truth without getting paid, can't you?
I thought you were a decent person with an honorable motive and recommended your list on my blog after reading Nature's report about your work. Now I realize it's created by a person who refuses to correct a simple mistake and insults my integrity. I will withdraw my recommendation and publish our communication.
Shi-min Fang
What about this photo? Any correction needed here?
Now you think you are qualified to judge a biochemistry paper? Do you know Xin Ge had sent his accusation to my mentor Dr. Zachary Burton, the editorial board of JBC and many other biochemists, and they all rejected his accusation?
Shi-min Fang