

送交者: ASH 于 2014-05-21, 14:15:26:

回答: 算一下,价格在 略低于10 到 11USD/千立方尺,与谈判前 由 Kurt 于 2014-05-21, 14:02:52:

It isn't clear how hard a bargain China drove, or how much Russia might have given up, to clinch the deal. Mr. Miller said the price of gas under the deal is a commercial secret. Gazprom said that the deal included a pricing formula linked to crude oil and that it carried mutually beneficial terms.

By some accounts, China is getting a great deal. RBC Capital Markets analysts said implied terms will give China a steady supply of piped-in Russian gas at a price between 25% and 40% lower than the current cost of importing liquefied natural gas from overseas.



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