唯心主义.many not be wrong


送交者: 008 于 2005-1-14, 16:13:22:

回答: bluesee 语录 由 fagus 于 2005-1-14, 14:16:13:

It is a common mistake to think that the universe is running according to some "laws", which lucky scientists just happen to find out.

The reality is ( if "reality" means anything at all ), the universe runs its own way, it may or may not follow any rules -- the words "way", "rules" are all human concepts anyway, they mean nothing without human being. Scientists interact with the world, observe the world, and they record the facts. There are so many facts that they start to think some simpler ways to record them. These simpler languages, which were INVENTED by scientists, are science theories. These theories are nothing more than a better language to record what happenned before. Lucky enough to some extent the nature repeat itself so these "laws" do have some prediction power. But do remember that the nature doesn't have to follow these laws. It has happened again and again that whenever the nature doesn't follow these "laws", scientists have to go back and change their invention, or invent something new.

there is no 脱离人的经验世界而独立存在的自然特征, since the concept of 特征 is only defined for human being.



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