Is this the key to his reasoning?


送交者: silxirt 于 2014-12-05, 13:49:06:

回答: 有兴趣的朋友请看过来,一个有趣的兵力汇报 由 Tinman 于 2014-12-05, 12:55:39:

"However, in order to manipulate they have to be able to understand first, question is how did they read my mind immediately after I set my foot on this land in July?"

How did they read his mind? What about nobody?

1. People already leaning things and make assessments without reading mind, we live without that ability for long time, albeit with errors.

2. "I don’t have hallucinations", is it up to him to tell? All of those "foreign" or novel thoughts have to be introduced or embedded by mind manipulation?



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