Apple’s iTunes Store generated $3.9 billion in Q3, up 25% YOY


送交者: 淼水 于 2013-07-23, 19:54:29:

This is amazing. How many companies with that ANNUAL revenue are there? I've bought about 10 movies, 20 albums, a few software (the most expensive is Adobe Lightroom 4) from iTunes online for last 12 months. I can enjoy all my purchases on my iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and of course my iMac anytime and anywhere. Besides, I bought only one DVD from because it is not available on iTunes. Bye bye DVD, BluRay and

Apple’s iTunes Store generated $3.9 billion in Q3, up 25% YOY

“In somewhat of a surprise from Tuesday’s quarterly conference call, it was announced that iTunes Software and Services generated $3.9 billion, which represents a whopping 25 percent increase compared to the year-ago period,” 。。。

Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer “said some 1 billion TV episodes have been downloaded from the digital storefront since its inception, while more than 800,000 shows, and 350,000 movies, are downloaded each day,” AppleInsider reports. “Apple noted on Tuesday that the number of iOS titles up for offer has slowly grown to 900,000, 375,000 of which are designed especially for iPad.”



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