I don't blame you but


送交者: qm 于 2013-09-17, 21:39:47:

回答: 我其实是禁枪派:如果政府能100%把枪从坏人或精神病手中拿走,并且给我们提供 由 true 于 2013-09-17, 21:19:58:

I don't blame you but I'd be very nervous if my government has the power to confiscate all guns from so-called 坏人或精神病. If the government is this powerful, how can anyone stop it from being a tyranny?

In human history, governments killed far more innocent people than gangsters. Ordinary citizen with a gun has a chance against criminals, but little chance against a tyrant government.

I'd rather face a criminal than a tyranny.



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