

送交者: qm 于 2013-09-17, 12:11:33:





1。 昨天的枪杀事件发生在禁枪区 (gun free zone)
2。 Sandy Hook school 是禁枪区
3。 Colorado theater 是枪手附近唯一的禁枪影院
4。 Fort Hood 是禁枪区
5。 Virginia Tech 是禁枪区


允许公民合法持枪的结果 (左派媒体当然不会告诉你):

1。 In December of 2007 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a gunman entered the Megachurch New Life carrying an assault rifle, two handguns (exactly what the Connecticut shooter had) and 1,000 rounds of ammunition. Police say he had planned a massacre and there were several thousand people in the church at the time. After killing two, he was shot and killed by a church member serving as a unofficial security guard.

2。 December, 2012, in Portland, Oregon at the Clackamas Town Center Mall, a crazed gunman began an attempted massacre, killing two people before Nick Meli, a concealed carry permit holder, pulled his gun and pointed it at the gunman who then, most likely realizing it was over, gave up and killed himself. How many more would have died? How big of a massacre would this have been had the gunman not seen Meli's gun pointed at him. Was he really planning on giving up after killing just two? He had a lot more ammunition than that.

3。April 22, 2012, Aurora, Colorado when a crazed gunman entered a church and began shooting, killing one member of the congregation before another congregant who happened to be legally carrying a gun shot and killed the gunman。 如果那是个禁枪区,多少人会死于非命?

Disclaimer: I recently became a proud gun owner, NRA member, and concealed carry permit holder, even though I have no need for any of those. I chose to be all above simply because I would like to exercise my right and freedom, on top be being tremendous fun.



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