美国连航母都白菜价了-1 cent,辽宁号太贵了


送交者: meiyou 于 2013-10-24, 16:11:41:

回答: 数百万的房子跟超级便宜货一样,上海外环楼盘3小时卖完。 由 bluesea 于 2013-10-24, 12:43:12:

The U.S. Navy announced Tuesday that the former aircraft carrier USS Forrestal had been sold for scrap for one penny. The ship will be towed from its berth in Philadelphia to Brownsville, Texas, for dismantling. The Forrestal, named after former Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, was decommissioned in 1993. Here, it is is guided into Coddington Cove in Middletown, Rhode Island, in September 1998.



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