下面这篇最新论文说,宏观经济政策、军事行动之类很难解释这种差别。作者认为,一个很大的原因(不是全部原因)是,Much of the D-R growth gap in the United States comes from business fixed investment and spending on consumer durables.
http://angrybearblog.com/2013/11/previewing-blinder-and-watson-2015.htmlNow, when Blinder and Watson write this paper, you’ll hear plenty of this: “It doesn’t make sense that raising taxes can lead to faster economic growth.” That will come mostly from academics, libertarians, and people who have never had to run a business. Nonacademic, non-libertarian business owners can tell you straight off the bat why a stricter IRS leads to faster economic growth: taxes are paid on profits, and the higher the tax burden, the more incentive a business owner has to simply reinvest what would otherwise be profits to avoid paying those high taxes. Reinvesting in the business today = faster economic growth over the next few years. - See more at: http://angrybearblog.com/2013/11/previewing-blinder-and-watson-2015.html#sthash.OikrkI8k.dpuf