送交者: gordon 于 2005-5-26, 14:41:17:
回答: Pls see the posts downstairs 由 Latino2 于 2005-5-26, 12:54:30:
That a peasant(or even many, btw, peasant is no farmer) has got rich wont prove all the peasants will lead a better life in a system. I have made this clear in the previous post. In which country, can't u find even a single peasant, or crimianl, or any type, who can get rich? But there ARE differences, big differences, among governments' treatment of peasants or farmers, and many lead miserable life as a result.Pay attention, here we are talking about peasants as whole, not as individuals.
Development does not equal to GdP growth, so even u quote statistics from UN, that wotn help. By the way, where are the UN statisticals from? mostly from China Statistics Dept. and most people just wont believe them.