Actually, you are right,


送交者: cornbug 于 2005-1-16, 12:53:30:

回答: 最好的办法是减少人口来减少需求-- sounds like a good 办法 由 008 于 2005-1-16, 03:18:29:

people or correctly speaking, the government, are doing it. But the killing is not the conventional war or massacre, it is somewhat invisible. The retirement age in the US in the past is 65 year old and it has been raised to 66 year old. The consequence is that the old guys have to work beyond their physical ability or be coerced to retire earlier before 66. They have either to struggle to work for keeping their health insurance paid by their employer or to lose their health insurance meanwhile having paid nothing from their government social plan. The government cannot spend the amount of money they promised because of they are stringent for money due to the increased elderly population. The social impact of this measure on the quality of these people’s life and life span is not fully studied and my conjecture is that there would be no doubt that the poor old guys are slowly killed by this policy.



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