no, just new kind of jobs


送交者: kma 于 2016-06-08, 11:17:43:

回答: 技术发展会使我们大家都没用没工作吃福利,时间而已,还是别把人逼得闹事。 由 短江学者 于 2016-06-08, 11:10:38:

look back history since industry revolution, it's always like this, new works substitute old ones.

it's just the future transition will be more profound.

i predict most jobs involving the rational side of human beings will be taken over by robots or computers.

so most jobs in the future have to deal with the emotional side, sex industry should be one big employer, for example.

of course some might just get orgasms or similar satisfactions through electric stimulation or simulations (phone sez), but most people i guess still prefers real sex.



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