I would vote for GOP nominee if s/he were not a downright thug


送交者: asker 于 2016-10-04, 16:58:19:

It'd be far more than enough for a democrat to run the country for 8 years.

Some wrong decisions could only be reversed by a GOP president.

Some inapproproiete policies could only be corrected by a GOP president.

Some bad governing practices could only be terminated by a GOP president.

Any other GOP candidate, Kasich, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, Bush...than that thug, would win my vote and become next president.

When I learnt of the outcome of GOP nomination,
After I checked the polls,
I asked myself:
"Am I out of touch with reality?"
"Am I too 'liberal minded'?"
"Am I too pedantic?"

I decided to find how others think.
I wanted a double check on my mindset.
I wanted to read more, watch more, observe more, listen to more and think more.

Here is what I have recorded:

The democrats camp is normal, as normal as ever before.

The anomalies in the other camp are too many and too shocking:

Never before in history, did a top GOP leader openly oppose the nominee of his/her own party.This year, we see so many GOP bigshots 'disown'the nominee.

Never before in history, did an influential newspaper publish an editorial to denounce a nominee. This year, we see so many most influential newspapers 'break silience' and publish an editorials to give a warning.

Never before in history, did a leader of an allied country express his/her worry about a nominee.This year, we have watched the concerns of almost every ally.

Never before in history did a presidential debater blame the 'mic' for his/her failure. This year, we have seen the 'issues'.


I am not alone. I am not insane. I am not out of touch with reality.

Then, I asked myslef a question: "Why did he choose this strategy?"

He has nothing else that he is better than other GOP candidates. Gambling is his best strategy. He is 'smart', and 'brave', after all.

To his credit, he has won more than he expected. He has thousands reasons to be proud of himself. He will make more money and pay no taxes. He will remain a hero in the mind of many.

But, to the clear-minded and clean-minded people of this country, he is and will remain just a laughingstock in the American history of politics.

God bless America!



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