if u think he meant "Mexicans are rapists", u r an idiot


送交者: meiyou 于 2016-10-04, 23:58:32:

回答: There you go. He said it. You can argue he did not say all of them 由 silxirt 于 2016-10-04, 23:32:35:

I have heard about this long time ago - directly.

He was saying illegal immigrants from Mexico bring a lot of problems to the country - in quite some other occasions, he has said he loves Mexicans too.

It has been reported that a large percent of women crossing the border have been raped during the trip. That how this was coming. Drug problem - of course - if u watch American TV.

This is a typical media/Dem's demonetization of Trump's words. In Chinese, "断章取意"

Trump uses short sentences and a lot of times lacking adverbs or some specific adjectives because there was a context of speech there - but in some other contexts, he will say things from a different perspective to clear things out if u follow.

This has been brought up many time tonight by Tim and CNN doesn't even care to check it - why? Hope u understand.

I cannot believe so many of you are so naive to believe
this kind crap that depicting he is a maniac and crazy person.



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