Wikileaks lost any sympathy within the US when it became an agent for Putin


送交者: 小道消息 于 2016-10-19, 18:30:57:

回答: What's ur comment on off lining wiki Leaks? 由 kma 于 2016-10-19, 17:59:01:

The American left was a strong supporter of wikileaks before this. It shouldn't have aimed to bring down Hillary - a very dumb thing to do.

Hillary herself was more sympathetic to wikileaks than to Snowden:

So, you know, if Snowden has given them a blueprint to how we operate, why is that in any way a positive. We should have the debate. We should have the conversation. We should make the changes where they’re necessary. But we shouldn’t put our systems and our people at risk. So I think that WikiLeaks was a big bump in the road, but I think the Snowden material could be potentially much more threatening to us.

[goldman sachs builders and innovators summit, 10/29/13]



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