This is hilarious and what is even more hilarious is the left will not listen. They will keep doing the same thing because it is easy and it feels good, even in defeat they can feel smugly superior by brushing off the other side as racist or homophobic. Saves any self reflection. Identity politics is nothing but a way to bully and to shame, to censor and belittle and while doing these negative things, the left paints itself as a hero. The problem is, once people wake up to it, it stops working and as more and more people wake up, the more radical and extreme the left get. I'm black, I voted Trump, I've been called a racist, homophobic, Islamophobic and when one girl found out I was black, I was called a "self hating black". Why I actually voted Trump is much more complex, I was a Bernie supporter and was born and raised in Michigan, the state I grew up in has been devastated and got much worse under Obama. Clinton wanted war, this was clear, I have friends in the military, I don't want to see them killed helping make Clinton donors richer. Clinton is a corrupt, now that Trump has won much more will be revealed. I saw a Trump win coming a mile away, none of the elite did because they don't care about the little people at all. You know what, Trump won't be as bad as the left are having hysterics about, the supreme court will suck but even though I am cynical, just like I knew Trump would win, I also know Trump gives more of a shit about the little people than Democrats do.