Stem Vs wksn


送交者: kma 于 2017-01-05, 13:19:29:

回答: 数百年来多少围棋大师为了探寻棋道奥妙呕心沥血,结果一朝就完败给了概率统计。 由 bluesea 于 2017-01-05, 10:39:57:

Human civilization history, in the end, is always about the fight between thus 2, or put another way, brain's rational side vs emotional one.

STEM always prevails eventually, that's why we are getting better than our parents generally, however like climate vs weather, short term say, it might go reverse, such as the populism movement around the globe, the anti globalization, anti free trade.

Now go back to "go", it's a simple and pure mind game, with the simplest rule, there is really no room for wksn got involved in. However, it's always too complex for primitive computers to conquer it, much more difficult than chess.

But you see, in the last, computing power improves, another mystery solved, another field getting rid of wksn.

I bold say, with this ever improving computing power, we will predict earthquake, weather, etc, accurately. Hopefully before I die



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