

送交者: Hoffman 于 2017-06-09, 22:09:14:

回答: 有心理学家吗?可以评评川普否定科米的证词时的表情(说谎的表情)? 由 Hoffman 于 2017-06-09, 22:00:15:

"No he did not." People who specialize in lie detecting ALWAYS point toward "distancing" language, such as avoidance of contractions. "Did not" as opposed to "didn't" is exactly that, distancing. Also, people who are telling the truth when they are disputing an accusation show anger. They don't coolly say, "No I did not." Remember Bill Clinton's lies? "I did not have sex with that woman." Had he been innocent it would have sounded like this: "I didn't have sex with her! It's a lie!"<-- said in anger or disgust.&#65279;



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