Some meditation practitioner doesn't take any protein, its automatically
送交者: shine 于 2017-09-30, 15:12:36:
回答: 是呀,glutan free与vegan有什么关系?glutan就是面粉里的蛋白质 由 ASH 于 2017-09-30, 14:17:11:
Gluten free. Some is for medical purpose, since they are allergic to wheat. And it's said, that when processing wheats products, the whole procedure will involve killing more little bugs than precessing other plants. But most all, 吃素不会导致营养不良,绝对绝对不会,重要事情讲三遍。我以前体检年年贫血,不吃肉反而好了。二十多年的胃病也好了。