NRA only opposes using public money to fund CDC "gun study".


送交者: doublepar 于 2016-01-25, 13:18:21:

回答: Who knows whether this is an exception. Why does NRA not allow 由 ASH 于 2016-01-25, 12:39:52:

The CDC'S field of expertise is medicine, not in sociology or criminology. Involving them in the gun control debate is a calculated exercise in fraud by government apparatchiks who know that the CDC minions will obediently spew out whatever tripe is needed to keep their “research” money pouring in.
You can refer to “Under the Gun: Weapons, Crime and Violence in America”. This seminal study was written by Professor James D. Wright and his colleagues Peter Rossi and Kathleen Daly of the Sociology Department of the University of Massachusetts.
In 1978 the Carter administration wanted to enact more gun control laws and, to find a pretext, handed out a major grant to Prof. Wright for a study of the effectiveness of stricter laws. Since Dr. Wright was already on record as favoring such laws so the Carter cabal thought that the fix was in. However Wright was a scrupulously honest researcher and did his homework, including interviewing imprisoned violent felons in ten states. After three years of intensive research and analysis Dr. Wright’s team concluded that there was NO demonstrable link between gun crime and gun control laws. The Carter administration buried the study, and released it only after pressure from Professor Wright.
What makes the Wright-Rossi report so important is that Professor Wright was originally the liberal darling of the gun control clique, which is why he was handed that nice big federal grant to 'study' the effectiveness of anti-gun laws. When, after three years of careful and meticulous research, he concluded that gun control laws had NO effect on the rate of gun crimes his former supporters were aghast. Some even suggested that he had been 'bought out' by the NRA!
Dr. Wright, in turn, was absolutely furious to be charged with academic dishonesty simply because his research conclusions did not match what Carter Administration expected to get for their money.
In fact he went on to publish (without federal funding) a more in-depth analysis "Armed and Considered Dangerous: A Survey of Felons and Their Firearms" which reinforced his original conclusion regarding the ineffectiveness of gun control laws.



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