it make no sense to compare individual behavior to government behavior


送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-06, 16:50:41:

回答: Do you share your money with your neighbors? Or just kill him for money? 由 boxer 于 2005-6-06, 16:12:51:

An individual usually have more alternatives. But say if I need $1M to save my son from terminal illness but there is ABSOLUTELY no way to get any help other than borrowing from my neighbor. If my neighbors refuse to lend becasue there is no chance I will repay him in my lifetime while killing him guarantees that I will get the money and it will cost me very little to get way clean, I probably will kill him.

I know there is morality blah blah, but morality has a price. It definitely can be sold. So you should just add the price of your morality to the cost of killing.

About ideaology, what I mean is people need to make a rational decision based on cost and benefit not where and how they make profit. If you ask an average American in the street whether he is willing to work in China for more money, the answer probably is no because that's a "communist country".



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