送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-09, 12:05:49:
回答: 特别是老婆漂亮而且会花钱的话......随便看看高速上有多少奔驰,宝马,保时捷吧... 由 dashing 于 2005-6-09, 00:37:26:
There are definitely less 奔驰,宝马,保时捷 in the street of SJ than Lincoln and Cadillac in Manhattan or downtown Chicago. In fact the high concentration of lux cars in the bay area is mostly in the parking lot of Asian shopping malls. But people there don't seem to like trucks. They are typical XiaoZi.
So I say a beat up F150 + a tatoo on the arm will beat them all, both cost very little.