送交者: skipper3 于 2005-6-14, 16:30:45:
回答: 如此嘴脸 由 Yush 于 2005-6-14, 15:16:39:
Chen would not have made up such a story unless he's insane, because it's so easy to falsify his story if Australian government wants to. What really happened might be somewhere between Chen's version and the version Chinese embassy wants Australian people to believe(I say there is nothing wrong for chinese authority to use Lan's son to press Lan to give himself in).
But I agree what Chen did is very SB, he teaches a good lesson about SuanZhang to everyone. Wasting him is in the best interest of every stakeholders except Chen himself: Chinese government, Australian government and small and large Australian corporations who rely on Chinese business to make profit. Given the situation like this, Chinese embassy does not even need to do any damage control. Australian corporations are going to do it for Chinese, for free, such as the piece of news you just posted.