China's civilization level


送交者: kma 于 2018-11-19, 16:24:42:

回答: 有朋友从超市回来哇哇叫,太烦人了,原来超市新出炉面包、蛋糕, 由 zhangqq 于 2018-11-19, 15:35:22:

The recent marathon fiasco is a vivid manifesto.

How could an organization worker think giving flag to a runner who was toe to toe with another one near the end? Not even basic training before the competition?
What is even more absurd is the aftermath. Why the runner even had to apologize? Why it is even considered controversial?

The runner was simply a victim, hard training resulted in vain due to this non sense. And the organizer took full blame. As simple as that, what is the fuss about patriotism? Some argue that one should choose patriotism instead of personnel achievement? What does that school of thought come from? Fang shoul comment on this. Just another exhibit of Chinese absurdity.



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