zhang xiang


送交者: kma 于 2024-06-24, 16:29:24:

回答: 現在距離實現建成科技強國目標只有11年時間了(Xi) 由 kma 于 2024-06-24, 16:17:55:

a scholar i got lots of interest, he got media attention on invisible cloak nano tech work, with huge potential , of course first was always military. at that time i was wondering if people like him go back to china then america should really got worried.

then he indeed back, sort of, to HKU, but not continuing career, but became president. i didn't like that role, but maybe doing this he got US government less focused on him.

now he got into this huge controversy with bigwigs within HKU, to me it's total bullshit fight, waste of his talent and career. mingpao had lots of coverage on this. HK government had to intervene. stay tuned.

of course i don't know details, i don't know which side i should side with, anyway it looks like a loss, waste of talent.

or maybe his career was already going nowhere or he lost interest in science.

anyway it's just another example of haigui breaking bad.



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