biden can do it better


送交者: kma 于 2024-07-15, 13:47:07:

回答: Trump team did it right 由 silxirt 于 2024-07-15, 11:48:47:

the speeches he gave, like everything he does now, lame.

the #1 he should emphasize is:

it's OK for trump to win, america will survive it, biden would smile, congratulate, shake hands and welcome trump back to white house. bidne then should challenge trump to do the same if biden wins.

#2 should be:

after both conventions, the two should meet and make joint declaration, priority is smooth election and respect it. trump likely won't agree to it, then biden win points.

#3 should be review of security stuff and beef it up for all 3 candidates. SS performance for trump was outrageously below par.

instead of these, biden chose the world bullseye exactly after assasination attempt, what wa he thinking? this had to be his free will, no aide or advisor would recommend that word



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