KSA didn't renew petro$ pact


送交者: kma 于 2024-06-21, 13:06:42:


it first appeared on numerous chinese media and was dismissed as fake news, now finally some credible english one.

one has to wonder such a tsunami grade news why not immediately available in mainstream media. and think about their israel coverage.

as i always say one has to read news from all sides, no much how you dislike certain sources. chinese source are still not reliable, but one shouldn't simply dismiss it and keep curiosity on the issue.

another example is USS carrier eisenhower, did it get hit in red sea and how serious if yes, i still side more with mainstream ones but try be open minded.

one more : did jake sulivan get injured in Ukraine? there were so many rumors in chinese. he appeared again and looked great . still it didn't rule out a light injury



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